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Photos from the April 2015 Greening Grant Plantings

Photos from the April 2015 Greening Grant Plantings

Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood held two simultaneous Greening Grant plantings on April 4, 2015. One took place on the traffic median near 3114 N Maple, where trees had already been installed as part of the 2014 Greening Grant plantings. The year volunteers planted yucca and horizontal juniper bushes as ground cover, leaving enough room for the sidewalk to be laid later this year. The other planting took place on the eastern side of Garfield Elementary. Spokane Urban Forestry had actually installed the trees a few days…

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Spring Cleanup 2015 (April 18)

Spring Cleanup 2015 (April 18)

Emerson-Garfield will be holding its 2015 neighborhood-wide Spring Cleanup on Saturday, April 18 between 9am and 12:30pm. This popular annual event organized by the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council is designed to help you get rid of all the junk that’s been cluttering your garage, backyard or basement — as much as you’ve got, and it’s all for free. Just like in years past, there will be a roll-off container site at Faith Bible Church (600 W Cora) where you can pull up in your car…

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Free Tree Vouchers for E-G Residents

Free Tree Vouchers for E-G Residents

By now you might have heard that the City of Spokane is giving away 2,000 trees. For free. Under this citywide initiative, Spokane residents will be eligible to receive up to two trees each. A variety of tree species are available between the sizes of four to seven gallons. The Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council has received a limited number of vouchers for these trees to distribute to E-G residents on a first-come, first-served basis and as long as supplies last. Please read that last sentence again to ensure there’s…

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STA Prop 1 Open House (Mar 26)

STA Prop 1 Open House (Mar 26)

The Spokane Transit Authority is holding an all-area open house at the STA Plaza (701 W Riverside) from 4 to 6pm on Thursday, March 26 to inform interested members of the public about Proposition 1, a measure that will appear on the April 28 ballot. Prop 1 is a proposal to increase local sales tax by 3/10 of 1% — the equivalent of three cents on a $10 retail purchase — for public transit. The ballot measure contains a ten-year sunset clause and…

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Recap of the March E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Recap of the March E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

The March 11, 2015 meeting of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council (EGNC) featured Kelly Norwood of Avista, assisted by Casey Fielder, as its guest speaker. Kelly provided a printed slideshow with some background on the company, its infrastructure, as well as the rate regulations it is subject to. Of the $2.5 billion investment in Avista, 48% is equity, owned by shareholders, and 52% is owned by bond holders and banks. Avista is asking for a 4.75% authorized return on equity, which, according…

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