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Tag: City of Spokane

Seeking Citizens to Help Define North Monroe Corridor Project

Seeking Citizens to Help Define North Monroe Corridor Project

In an important announcement, the City of Spokane is seeking property and business owners, area residents, and representatives from the Emerson-Garfield, North Hill, West Central, and Riverside neighborhoods to serve on the advisory board that will work with City staff to inform the public and stakeholders about the project and its elements and to help make choices about the final scope of work. Much of the work will be concentrated over the next year. Applications are being accepted through Wednesday,…

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Recap of the May 2016 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Recap of the May 2016 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

This is a brief recap of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council (EGNC) meeting that took place on May 11, 2016, led by newly elected co-chairs Carlie Hoffman and Tim Musser. Guest speaker Kate Burke of the Spokane Edible Tree Project talked about how her organization searches the city for fruit and nut trees that aren’t being harvested and then takes on that task. The harvest is then donated to area food banks. They are currently mapping trees they can harvest and encourage both…

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Materials for the May 2016 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Materials for the May 2016 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

The Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meets tomorrow (Wednesday, May 11) starting at 6pm in the Corbin Senior Activity Center Center (827 W Cleveland). This month we have two more guest speakers, Kate Burke from the Edible Tree Project and David Steel from the City of Spokane Parking Services. David will be following up on our questions regarding downtown parking. Further agenda items for this meeting include sidewalk repair plans, the opening of the farmers market, and the upcoming Spring Cleanup. Please help reduce paper waste…

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Public Transit Investment Talk (May 4)

Public Transit Investment Talk (May 4)

Public transportation expert John Robert Smith will be speaking on Wednesday, May 4 starting at 8:30am (doors 8am) on how public transit has the potential to attract and retain a talented workforce and enhance downtown vibrancy. The talk will be held at the Philanthropy Center (1020 W Riverside). A light breakfast will be served. Public transit is one factor that the Spokane area has recognized as important to long-term economic viability. As Chairman of Transportation for America and former mayor of Meridian Mississippi, Smith…

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Public Comment on Building Demolitions

Public Comment on Building Demolitions

Two buildings (1230 N Division St, 2015 N Elm St) are scheduled for demolition within 600 feet of the Emerson-Garfield neighborhood. The City of Spokane is required to solicit public comments and concerns before accepting the demolition applications. Residents have 10 calendar days to submit their comments to before demolition can begin. Neighborhood Notice Ordinance Demolition Permit Application, 1230 N Division St Demolition Permit Application, 2015 N Elm St