October Neighborhood Planning Workshop Recap

October Neighborhood Planning Workshop Recap

On behalf of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Planning committee, we’d like to give a big shout out to everyone who participated in last night’s important workshop!


We had a very spirited crowd of about 50 neighbors and a few business owners, who came together to contribute their unique perspective to creating the vision for our neighborhood and what issues need our attention to attain that vision! It was an incredibly valuable and inspiring evening, and we hope even more neighbors will plan on participating in the follow-up workshop on ThursdayNovember 14.

Our youngest planner
Our youngest planner in action!

We left the night with a healthy amount of data reflecting areas of the neighborhood in need of attention, and a strong voice to what our priorities should be as we move ahead with planning.

Beautification of North Monroe was a common theme, as was better support for alternative modes of transportation (including bus shelters and bike routes), incentives for desirable businesses to occupy currently vacant buildings, more neighborhood events and improved methods of crime prevention (such as better lighting, more organized Neighborhood Watch, and awareness training).

In collaboration with our planning firm, AHBL, and the City of Spokane, your planning committee will be hard at work organizing this data and preparing for our next workshop, which will focus on brainstorming and prioritizing solutions to the issues that were identified last night.

Please, plan on joining us and help us create a plan that is as representative of your voice and the voice of our neighborhood as possible!

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