Final Hearing for Building Opportunity for Housing
Building Opportunity for Housing Phase I, is the Comprehensive Plan Amendments developed over the past six months. It included a survey phase.

The City Council will hold a final public hearing on July 31 at 6:00 PM regarding the proposal, codified as proposed Ordinance C36414. Please know that every comment letter and email we have received has been forwarded to City Council. Additionally, City Council will take verbal testimony at the hearing from any wishing to speak. The online signup sheet for Monday night will be available at 5:00 PM on the night of the meeting.
To see the whole document with all the attachments, please go to https://my.spokanecity.org/citycouncil/documents/. On Friday the City Clerk will issue the final agenda for Monday night, which will be available on that page as well.
We want to thank each and every one of you who interacted with this important project during its development. If you have any questions leading up to the hearing Monday night, please email us at compplan@spokanecity.org. Thanks and have a great week!