February e-Newsletter Out Now
The February e-newsletter for Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood was just sent out and should be arriving in inboxes shortly.
You can click here to read it — or better yet, sign up and have it conveniently delivered right to your own inbox. It comes out just once per month (at most) and is full of useful neighborhood-related events, announcements, updates, news and more.
This month’s newsletter has info on upcoming volunteering opportunities with the North Monroe Business District, Spokane COPS, the Emerson-Garfield Farmers’ Market and a grassroots leaflet distribution for the school levy.
There are also some updates on items like North Monroe construction and new businesses, neighborhood events and the recent COPS North Central relocation to Knox Presbyterian.
With all that’s happening and all that’s going to be happening in Emerson-Garfield in the near future, it’s an ideal time to get on the mailing list and stay up to date.