Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council T-Shirts
It’s all going off.
As of today, we have brand new Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council T-shirts thanks to Pat Maguire. Pat’s an E-G resident and the owner of Spokane Valley Screen Printing. Totally unsolicited, he offered to make us T-shirts so that EGNC members and organizers can be better recognized at neighborhood events and strut their E-G pride.
The front bears the logo designed by former EGNC Chair Liorah Wichser (it won our neighborhood logo contest a few months back). On the back it reads “Emerson-Garfield Ambassador.”
Huge thanks to Pat for volunteering his services. The organizers will be proudly sporting these Ts at the Emerson-Garfield Farmers’ Market today. And depending on the response, we might be printing a variation of this T-shirt for general sale. Stay tuned.