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Category: Neighborhood Notification

Housing Quality Task Force – Community Meeting

Housing Quality Task Force – Community Meeting

You are invited to be a part of a community conversation about quality and affordable housing in Spokane. The Mayor’s Housing Quality – Community meeting is next Tuesday, June 28th at the Downtown Public Library from 5:30-7PM. Learn more about the Mayor’s Housing Quality Task Force

Mayor’s Housing Quality Task Force Survey

Mayor’s Housing Quality Task Force Survey

An effort is underway to improve access to quality housing in Spokane. The Mayor’s Housing Quality Task Force (HQT) has begun meeting to align City investments, resources and policies to support safe, quality housing in mixed-income neighborhoods. The HQT is looking for feedback from the public assist in this process. Stay up to date with the HQT’s progress on the project page. Have ideas you think will help in your neighborhood or city-wide? Take the survey here:

Public Comment on Building Demolitions

Public Comment on Building Demolitions

Two buildings (1230 N Division St, 2015 N Elm St) are scheduled for demolition within 600 feet of the Emerson-Garfield neighborhood. The City of Spokane is required to solicit public comments and concerns before accepting the demolition applications. Residents have 10 calendar days to submit their comments to before demolition can begin. Neighborhood Notice Ordinance Demolition Permit Application, 1230 N Division St Demolition Permit Application, 2015 N Elm St

SEPA Request for Comments for 1220 & 1230 N Division

SEPA Request for Comments for 1220 & 1230 N Division

Per the stipulations of the Neighborhood Notification process, we’re publicizing this request for comments (RFC), SEPA Checklist, and map (attached to the end of the checklist) for the following proposed project within Emerson-Garfield’s boundaries: Project Name: Demolition of Existing Buildings Permit #: B1600646SEPA Site Address: 1220 & 1230 N Division St Please direct any questions or comments to Certified Plans Examiner, Mike Penkunis, at The corresponding documents are: SEPA request for comments.pdf Sepa Checklist.pdf