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About this blog: updates, deletions, and changes.

Need Trees for Your Yard?

Need Trees for Your Yard?

SpoCanopy is a program of City of Spokane Urban Forestry, in collaboration with The Lands Council. They want to ensure every person in every neighborhood in Spokane has access to trees and green space. That’s why they work with residents and volunteers to plant trees and beautify our city. Our goal is for every neighborhood in Spokane to have 40% canopy cover by 2030.

Last day to get your free disposal pass is Friday, June 16th!

Last day to get your free disposal pass is Friday, June 16th!

Friday, June 16, is the last day to request a disposal pass. 

Community Weeding Day – Saturday, May 27th

Community Weeding Day – Saturday, May 27th

Come help us weed the traffic islands on Northwest Blvd. and keep our neighborhood looking good. We’ll meet at 9 am in the Zips/Baskin Robins parking lot on NW Blvd. Bring gloves, hat, snack and water, and hand pruners, rakes and weeding tools if you have them.  This is a great chance to visit with your neighbors and work together for our community. See you this Saturday!

Public Feedback Requested on Spokane’s Comprehensive Plan

Public Feedback Requested on Spokane’s Comprehensive Plan

The City of Spokane’s Planning Services Department has proposed amendments to Chapter 3, Land Use of the City’s Comprehensive Plan and the Land Use Plan Map. The proposal was accepted into the work program for full review and consideration on July 18, 2022. The City is now seeking comments from the public regarding the proposal. This plan will be used to guide new zoning codes which will help guide future commercial and residential developments in the city. This is your…

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Dancing in the Park!

Dancing in the Park!

Come dance with us! Whether you’re young, old, coordinated or not, it’s time to get out in the sunshine, say hello to your neighbors and MOVE! 

We will be dancing by the playground at Corbin Park, starting Memorial weekend Monday May 29th at 6 p.m. Then we will continue meeting most Mondays and Thursdays at 6 p.m. through the rest of the spring/summer.