

There are several organizations in Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood that work to maintain and improve the quality of life, the business climate, and community welfare.


Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council

The combined neighborhood council is a grassroots, all-volunteer group that meets regularly to discuss neighborhood issues and solutions. One of its primary responsibilities is directing the neighborhood-level Community Level Block Grant (CDBG) funds that are allocated each year. The funds are apportioned to both services and neighborhood infrastructure.

To become a voting member of the E-G Council/Committee, a person must attend three meetings within a six month period, and must live, work, or own property or a business in the E-G Neighborhood.

Neighborhood meetings are generally held on the second Wednesday of each month at the Corbin Senior Activity Center.


North Monroe Business District

Established in 2006, the North Monroe Business District aims to create an identity around and foster a thriving business district along North Monroe. The NMBD works to enhance the North Monroe corridor as a safe, dynamic and economically vibrant environment for the benefit of businesses and the surrounding neighborhoods.


COPS North Central

Emerson-Garfield has developed, invested in, and staffed its neighborhood Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program for several years, finding office space and and remodeling it with neighborhood funds and volunteer efforts.

The COPS Shop promotes public safety through various programs and services. KIDS ID, graffiti removal, Neighbors on Patrol, crime reporting at neighborhood meetings, sexual predator alerts, and much more. You can be part of the program. More information is available on (509) 625-3348.


Community Assembly

Community Assembly (CA) is a coalition of representatives from the 27 Neighborhood Councils and serves as a forum for discussion of issues of broad interest. Community Assembly has multiple committees charged with addressing community-wide issues.

The Building Stronger Neighborhoods Committee is a subcommittee of Community Assembly and works to provide training and resources to neighborhoods to increase participation, identify and meet neighborhood needs, and build capacity. The committee meets monthly and works directly with the Community Assembly and neighborhood chairs to set annual goals and work plan.

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