Volunteer with Neighborhood Observation Patrol

Volunteer with Neighborhood Observation Patrol

Neighborhood Observation Patrol (NOP) patrols can help make your neighborhood safer! Be a part of the solution – join a NOP team!

The Neighborhood Observation Patrol are volunteer citizens who patrol areas, reporting suspicious or unlawful activity in their community to assist the police and help keep your neighborhood safer.

NOP volunteers are trained by the Spokane Police Department in areas of safety, patrol procedures, communications, first aid, and basic law enforcement policies and procedures. Volunteers use a vehicle equipped with cell phone, flashlight, binoculars, first aid kit, fire extinguisher and reflective vests.

Our vehicles are professional and well-marked, and community and volunteer feedback has been strong.

To learn more about how you can volunteer for Spokane C.O.P.S. Neighborhood Observation Patrol, contact your nearest C.O.P.S. shop or Maurece Vulcano [mvulcano@spokanecops.org, 509.625.3301], Program Manager for Spokane C.O.P.S., would be happy to answer any question you may have.

Learn more in this KHQ story: http://www.khq.com/story/37072828/neighborhood-observation-patrol-volunteers-keep-an-eye-out-to-prevent-crime

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